A week’s worth of sounds

Day 6

The sounds are emerg­ing slowly. Today I heard the clank­ing of a big hair­pin.
Like planned, I have switched to the 3rd pro­gram today and I feel like return­ing to the 2nd. I have tin­ni­tus (like a fan in my head) and it keeps going on for some time after I switch all the elec­tron­ics off. But I don’t have this much of ver­tigo any­more. I think it is a mat­ter of time. I will prob­a­bly sur­vive the fourth pro­gram too. It is going to remain until the next setup ses­sion. The moment of turn­ing the proces­sor off is very strange — I have ver­tigo again. It prob­a­bly means that I am get­ting used to the sig­nal.
This morn­ing I have changed the bat­ter­ies for the first time. It prob­a­bly means that the sig­nal level in my proces­sor is still pretty low.

Day 7 — Shad­ows of sounds

Today I have heard a bit of music in the cafe­te­ria. When some­one is talk­ing, and I switch my hear­ing aid off, I hear the faint mem­ory of sound. When I type, too. Not every­thing is ver­tigo any­more, though I still feel it some­times. I have smoothed my switch to the 3rd pro­gramme: I turned on the 2nd in the morn­ing and the 3rd some hour and a half later. The switch was way less shock­ing than yes­ter­day. I think I am not going to switch to the 4th pro­gramme before Tues­day. No point in forc­ing things too much.

A week after the switch on

I hear the spoon click­ing in the cup of tea. Ping ping. I won­der when some­one tells me to stop it.
I hear the water run­ning.
I hear some frag­ments of my boss’s voice. The louder ones or is it a spe­cific fre­quency I pick up?
I hear the key­board click­ing.
I hear a pen­cil falling on a desk. I have ver­tigo after repeat­ing it sev­eral times.

Peo­ple talk to me and I switch off my hear­ing aid for a moment to vcheck what I hear by the implant. I do it only if I under­stand them anyway.

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